New Vision Concepts
EZReader - Weather Report Help


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The Weather application provides current weather, plus 3-day and 5-day weather forecasts. Reports are available for the user's location and two secondary locations.

Pressing the icons labeled 1-3-5 return current weather or 3/5 day forecasts.

Pressing the Home, "1" and "2" icons returns local or secondary city weather - current or forecast, whichever was most recently selected.

The user home and secondary locations are set by using the EZReader File Editor to edit the "cities" System file.

 Weather Report Main Screen

Here are images of the current weather and a 3-day forecast:

The toolbar icons perform the following functions:

The text beneath the rightmost 3 city icons is pulled from the "cities" system file.

 Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are available within all EZReader applications by pressing F1 or right-clicking on the Exit button.

Thank you for considering EZReader!