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EZReader - JukeBox Help


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EZReader can play audio files. A small song library is installed with EZReader.

Songs are separated into categories - Classical, Country, Pop, Other and Jazz. An additional category "Email" contains audio files received as email attachments.

To play a song, just click on the song name and press the Play icon. Play, pause and stop action are supported. Double-clicking on a single title will also play the song.

Each song can be "checked", meaning placing an X in the first column. This is done by clicking on the first column of the song. Play will loop repeatedly through all checked songs. The Delete function also works on checked songs.

As a song plays, a progress bar is displayed just below the toolbar. Click on the progress bar to jump to a specific location in the song.

A PlayList is supported. When a song is added to the PlayList, a copy of the song is placed in the PlayList folder. Songs in the PlayList folder can be deleted.

 JukeBox Main Screen

There are 4 rows of toolbar icons and perform the following functions:

Row 1 Icons

Row 2 Icons

Row 3 Icons

Row 4 Icons

 Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are available within all EZReader applications by pressing F1 or right-clicking on the Exit button.

Thank you for considering EZReader!